The 7 Habit Of Highly Effective People Summary


AUTHOR'S INTRODUCTION: This book was first published in 1989, is a business and self-help book written by Stephen R. Covey(1933-2012). With over 15 million books sold this is still one of the good choices for readers. 

Twitter: @StephenRCovey

The 7 Habit Of Highly Effective People SUMMARY: 

Who is a highly effective person? A highly effective is one who has strong values and has a good character. If you want to change the world? But before this, you have to change yourself, and do you think you have the Quality of improvement? A highly effective can be considered as a role model and he has a good relationship with all of these friends, colleagues, family, and neighbours. This book focuses on character building and self-improvement. In this book Summary, you will read how to become a highly effective person. This "The 7 Habit Of Highly Effective People" is helpful to make you a good leader by helping you in your character building then if your character is good you will get closeness in every relationship with others.

the 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey book summary

Many books in the market focus on how to make friends, how to make relations strong, or how to influence others but this book first pull your attention to make your character strong and make you an effective person, because if your personality is good then undoubtedly you are an effective person, but this image will not work for a long-term for you when people will find that you have a motive behind every work then the situations will become the as earlier as they were, but if your character is strong then this thing will present with you for your life-time. In this book summary, all the 7 habits written in the book are given with a brief account of each. should we start? Do you want to become a highly effective person? Do you want to live a good life? And do you want to make your relations strong? Then The 7 Habit Of Highly Effective People Summary is for you.

1.HABIT 1: Respond to a situation, rather than react

Who is a Proactive person? According to psychology "Whatever is happening around us, we cannot change but how to respond to these situations is in our hands" the meaning of being proactive is that irrespective of the opinions and the behaviour. To be proactive means whatever the opinions others have for us or whatever the way they behave to us we should not get affected by them. When someone speaks badly for this shows their own negative mindset and this is their own problem, not ours."You saw bad in me it's your problem, I saw good in you it's my own good", so being proactive we do not get affected by any type of odds or situation.

It is opposite to a reactive person. A reactive person always responds to the situation and if something bad or negative happens to them they become sad. Opposite to is a Proactive person always remains happy in any situation and does not complain about the bad situation but lives his life.

Once the writer was giving a lecture in Sacramento suddenly a lady stood up from her seat and started speaking something is very exciting but when she saw people were looking at her she sits at her seat, after finishing his lecture Covey went to the lady and then he got to know that the lady was giving full-time care to a patient but the patient used to shout at her and in his eyes whatever she used to so for him was wrong and he never gave a thank you to the nurse. Due to this, the nurse was feeling bad and she wanted to leave that job. That day the topic of Covey's speech was proactivity After listening to Covey's speech that day in which Covey was explaining if you are proactive then nothing can hurt you until you do not want no one can make to unhappy.

The lady tells Covey "I have chosen sadness for me but I know sadness and happiness are in my hands. The mood of a reactive person is like a TV whose remote is in someone else hand it does not matter to him what others think about him.

2. HABIT 2: Keep your clear goal in your mind

Stats with the end in mind means finding what is important for us in our life. Our every action and our every value must be oriented in those directions only. We must know our actions and final destination so we can choose steps in that way. In our life, there are many things which make us concern and many challenges sometimes make us divert from our path in that condition we must keep our mind clean with our goal, and do not forget what is important for us. For Example, we all want to live a happy life and we want to enjoy our life at best for this goal we work hard from morning to evening but we forget our ultimate goal of happiness in that journey.

We forget why we have started this all, we are gathering this money so we can live a happy life. But this happiness is the only thing which is missing in our life.

 Begin with the end means to know is more valuable for us it may be our own people, our principles, or our good habits on which we have complete trust before starting work we must have a blueprint of our action. Like if we start constructing a house without a well-planned map then what will happen you know it well the same as for every action we should start with a map of our actions then only our steps move in the direction of our goal.

 Everything requires planning and keep it in mind what we want from our lives and make sure that things must fit in your values system, Are you put a value on honesty? or are you put self-respect and honour at the top? Focused on this and start your day with complete trust in those values and face all the problems and keep the focus on the ultimate goal.

3.HABIT 3: Priorities your task focus on important one at first

Doing the most important things first it doesn't only meantime management but self-management is also one of its parts. As human beings, we are self-aware and this ability makes us different from the rest of the living things, and only we humans and evaluate ourselves and when we feel anything wrong we can change that thing.

 Whenever we have many things to do first we have ton male list of all of them and then we have to priorities them all. We make schedules and some people take help from some planners the only aim of all this is that we can remember all those things. But still of this all sometimes we miss our most important tasks and not able to complete them.

When our priorities cannot get fulfilled it is not only because we are not self-disciplined the main problem is that we do not have set up those priorities to our hearts and mind. We do not have thought that why these things are our top priority? Why these things are that much important for us? The challenge is not to manage time but the self-management Do the most important things first it means to say no to those things which are not important to us when we have many things to do with us. For example; Sandra has been chosen as a chairperson for a community project but she already had some other important task but in pressure, she accepted the proposal. Sandra asked her neighbour koni to join the project after listening to Sandra's offer she says" Sandra I am feeling excited to join the project and the project seems to be nice, but I have some other important tasks to do first, I appreciate your proposal but I cannot join this project."

After this incident, Sandra was thinking that she could so the same what Koni did to him She could also refuse the proposal politely. to become a project chairperson is good but it was not in her priority list. If you have set your priorities in your heart then you can easily say "NO" to any other task and this will help you to fulfil your priorities at best. For students, if you have made a goal and you have set it in your heart and mind then you can easily say no to all other things. if your friends are asking you to come for a movie and you have an exam in a month and you are sure you are not yet prepared then you can easily refuse to them. It will be good in either case and sure this will affect your friendship because true friends will easily understand you.

4. HABIT 4: Make the situation balanced and let the other person feel Win. 

Win-Win is a solution which always benefits you and the others at the same time. Whenever we get in any issue or disagreement with anyone our colleagues, our friends, our family members, or our subordinates in every situation if one win and others lose, this situation, in the long run, can be bad for every relation.

 Win-Win is the best solution here it will make relations more strong Whenever we fell in any disagreement take an example of our colleague so, in this situation, We have to sit with him and discuss the matter and to find the solution on which we both can agree but don't get one to dominate on other. In this situation, the solution will be balanced and both will win and in this way, the relation will not get affected. Having compromise is always good even you are a bose you have compromise and you, Win-Win situation not only works in the workplace but it also works in every relation and every situation. whenever you get any disagreement with your partner, children, friends, neighbours then think of this Win-Win situation. Then you will see how you will create more trust and more love in your relations.

5. HABIT 5: If you want that other person to understand you, first understand them.

Do you remember the last time when someone shared his problem with you? or do you really listening to him? did you really understand his feelings? First, you have to understand others before you expect them to understand you. It is the basis of healthy communication and a good way to make them. The best way to communicate with someone is you first understand what they want to say.

 When someone tells you their problem a good listener first puts himself in that situation and then try to think about the solution. In this way, you will clearly understand what that person actually wants to tell you. With listening to the person we are able to fell their emotions and with feeling their emotions we are able to give them good advice and help in true sense.

 Once a person went to an optometrist and told him that he could not see clearly. Then he took another pair of the same spectacles and gave them to the man and said "these are very good spectacles, try them to see clearly", but even after so many efforts, he was not able to saw clearly. Even wearing those spectacles his eyes were feeling hazier. The optometrist told him to be positive and look again, he tried again and he tried positively but was unable to see anything. This made both of them sad. The optometrist thought that the man was lying to him, he wanted to help him but his efforts were not working.

 Similarly, sometimes we also do the same the optometrist did "if I were at your place" or "try to follow my views". But sometimes we do not try o put ourselves actually in their place and we do not feel their emotions and this does not give any result to us. It only results that the person stops believing us and next time he will never tell their problems to us, so if you really want to help someone than you have to understand them and give them a solution considering their problems in this way you will gain the trust of that person and they will understand that you do have any personal motive behind helping them, then they will also start understanding you.

6. HABIT 6: Cooperation has magical powers.

When a person helps another and they cooperate with each other then together they can accomplish more. like unity is strength whenever any natural calamity occurs people synergize or say join hand to help the needy. people forget the differences and they fight together with the calamity shows the power of unity.

A tough situation pulls people together this makes them strong. Synergy can also mean cooperation and coordination. In every group feeling g of synergy always benefits and leads them to success. But such problems do not occur daily in our daily life. we people have to remove the differences of our thinking that we do not want to remove.

 Everyone has a different point of view but we have to think that our point of view is limited that's why our thinking is also limited. A person can look at an image and say it 6, at the same time for some other person it can be 9 but as per their point of view both of them are correct, with synergy we can take both opinion s and make our view widen.

 Synergy means cooperation. It means that we have to accept our differences and learn from other's point of view also. In this way we will be able to learn new ideas this will not cause any loss to us nut gives us benefits. With debate we create differences but with the discussion, we create constructive ideas.

7. HABIT 7: Improve yourself daily

We are our biggest asset and we have to improve this asset first. A highly effective person renews himself on a daily basis.

Physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally and a high person works on all of the daily. Physically you can do yoga, running, jogging, light exercise, etc to keep yourself fit and update.

 In the same way, you can renew your spirit. While doing daily tasks full of challenges and hard work we may feel low at our spirit. Do meditation, sit in nature, do pranayama, look at the happy faces, read spiritual books they have many benefits, or listening to music can be good to renew your low spirit. While doing a work a little bit break in between as to reboot for the system and fills us with the same energy again.

 In the same way, we can find ways, we can find ways to educate ourselves, knowledge is power. Imagine a person tells you that he is doing work continuously for a long interval and he is feeling exhausted, what suggestion you will give to that person, obviously it is always like "take a rest you will feel better". In our busy schedule, we must find time to think about ourselves.

 This will make your life happy.


  The 7 Habit Of Highly Effective People QUOTE:

to learn and not to do is really not to learn. to know and not to do is really not to do- the 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey quotes

 The 7 Habit Of Highly Effective People REVIEWS: 

     Before reading my given review to this book I would like you to relate the ideas of this book to your life a find if it connects to your real-life and helps you to get a positive vision of your problems.

First of all the catchy title which itself pulls readers' attention.

Habit 1: Respond to a situation, rather than react                                                                                          
Habit 2: Keep your clear goal in your mind
Habit 3: Priorities your task focus on important one at first
Habit 4:Make the situation balanced and let the other person feel Win.
Habit 5: If you want that other person to understand you, first understand them.
Habit 6: Cooperation has magical powers.
Habit 7: Improve yourself daily

If you want to become a highly effective person then applying these ideas in your life, your life will be good. You do not have to influence others if you will apply these things in your life. 
Because you worth it... 

Book summary sources: The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey and GIGL app.

I hope you will like The 7 Habit Of Highly Effective People Summary and you will implement them in your life. Share with your friends and loved ones and help them in living a good and highly effective life.


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