You are a badass summary

                   YOU ARE A BADASS BOOK SUMMARY 

How to stop doubting your GREATNESS and start living an AWESOME life.

Author:- Jen Sincero

You are a badass is a new york times bestseller. 

You are a BadAss. How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life by Jen Sincero Book summary

Have you ever felt that you are not able to get the maximum out of your capabilities? means have you ever thought that you are to do something big? but somehow till now you have not done something like that. 

Do you also think that what others will think before you take any action? Do you also feel the same kind of push backs from everywhere wherever you try to change something big in your life? 

The list of all these kind of question is very large, but the reason why all these things happen to us is the same. 

All these happen because till now our inner BasAss is sleeping somewhere inside us in a big snooze. We haven't yet woken him up. There can be many reasons for this, all those have discussed in this book. 

Just keep your attention focused and learn why and get all your answers.

1. Our beliefs in our subconscious mind.

You know, our mind has two parts. The conscious mind and the Subconscious mind. In the conscious mind, we do all processing of data, we make plans, we understand things, we judge the things, etc.

But our subconscious mind does not know the difference between right and wrong of the things. Whatever data we give to it, it stores. and slowly that data convert into our beliefs. 

Out actions, our life is aligned with these beliefs, these beliefs can be the treason of most of our problems also. 

It is the filter, the conscious mind which can drive our thoughts. So we can choose what kind of data we want to give to our subconscious mind. 

Subconscious mind defines our life. Our actions, our decisions, our every step depends upon the beliefs we have stored in this part. Just take a few examples;

Conscious mind:- I want to become a comedian.
Subconscious mind:- Being a comedian is not a career, It will not give you anything in your life. They do not have a reputation in society.
Result:- I will not follow my passion and will live a forced career without any interest.

Conscious mind:- I want to earn money from share markets.
Subconscious mind:- Share markets are at risks, I may lose all my money.
Result:- We do not even give it a try. We are living the same life with limited resources.

Or there are many such beliefs you can relate and find in your life, forcing us to live the same life and pulling us back from taking the step in the direction of our goal.

So the first thing you have to do is to find your less-impressive areas and then find the hidden beliefs lying behind them. Change those beliefs, make them constructive and give yourself time to improve. You need patience.

Because once you find the problems you can work on them to remove them. So self-introspection the thing you should follow to know yourself. This should be the foremost aim.

2. The mighty Universe. 

You Are A Badass Quotes

If you want to find the secrets of the universe,
think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibrations.
                                             -Nikola Tesla.

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibrations -Nikola Tesla.-You are a BadAss. How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life by Jen Sincero quotes

We may call it god, goddess, Soul, energy source, or anything all are same. The energy that is influencing us and our lives. 

Whenever we visit a peaceful place or at a religious place we feel a kind of joy, a sense of peace or say a state of happiness inside us. When we do meditation, we try to connect ourself to the positive things, to this source energy around us, and the moment we open our eyes we feel immense joy in our mind.

Let us consider this in a more scientific way, The energy around us in the universe vibrates at a different frequency, our desirable thing at a different frequency same as our undesirable things at a different. 
Now our mind also acts like a radio, we tune it at different frequencies depending upon our mood. When two similar kinds of frequencies meet they form a resonance and we get an amplified result. This happens with our mind.

When we keep ourself in a higher state of mind, our mind catches higher frequencies and we feel happy, on the opposite if we keep ourself at low energy then we feel low and negative. Like attracts like.

So now we get this if we keep our mind with negative thoughts we will only attract negative energy and so our life will also become that way.

But if we feel happy always, keep ourself indulge with good thoughts we will attract positive and higher state of energy so we will become.

                                              "The world is happy if you are happy."                                                          
The world is happy if you are happy- you are a BadAss quotes.

This is why when we feel happy we see happy and smiling faces all around us. So to be happy we need to keep ourselves at high frequency every time.

3. Opportunities, our happiness all are in present.

You Are A Badass Quotes

If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.

-Lao Tzo; Ancient Chinese philosopher

When we live in past, we keep much guilt in our mind, many bad moments we remembered, Or anything that is not letting us focus on our present. Then, when we live in the future, in the race of achieving goals, or anything else we keep ourself under stress. 

We have a life, a mighty universe around us, many loveable people around us, this complete universe full of miracles everything around us just ready to help us and to give us everything we desire. The only thing why we are not able to see these miracles is that we are not living in present. We have fears from the past, we have fears for the future, but we do not have trust in our present. 

The moments we start living in our present we start connecting ourselves with all the might around us. Just think of any great invention, Don't you think that gravity was also present before its discovery? 
Or do you think the things behind the telephone came from some kind parallel world and then Alexander Graham bell just assembled all those parts and invented the telephone? No, all the things were there itself. Before and after. 

Why we feel joyous whenever we escape any serious life threat? Then only we feel the worth of this life.

A kid, in his own happiness they play, laugh and enjoy. They do not have any kind of worries. Because they live in the present.

The thing you have to do is to live in the present and believe in the might of this universe and then start manifesting the things. 

You Are A Badass Quotes

So all the things, opportunities exist...
But we are not yet aware of their existence...

              -Jen Sincero 

The more experienced we become at being present and connected to the source energy, the more available we are to download the ideas and seize opportunities.

                                   -Jen Sincero

The best thing to get your mind back into the present is to focus on your breath. Meditation also works well in increasing our focus on the present. 

So all of the things we want are actually here. Wake up and look in the present. The universe has many miracles.

 4. Play your own character.

You Are A Badass Quotes

Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.
                                             -Kurt Cobain

Why we always need some outside assurance for our actions? We people drive our life on the opinion of others. This thing really not letting us live the life we actually want to live. We can say we are living someone else's life. 

The second thing is whenever we try to wake up and a step outside our comfort zone this fear-based society pull us back into the same situation. We face all kind of problems, criticisms, anger, etc some from the inside due to our false beliefs, and some from the people from whom we take assurance for our every step. 

So these are the reasons we are not able to live the life we want or we can. 

Get your assurance from the inside, because it is only you who know the real worth of yours. Get out of your comfort zone with a strong faith in your abilities and determination, then any external force will not stop you, and the last thing is to drop your false beliefs which are hindering you from living best of you. 

When taking great leaps forward.

You Are A Badass Quotes

Life often turns to shit before it turns to Shinola.

               -Jen Sincero

We can achieve everything we want, the only thing we need to wake up the inner giant, the inner BadAss from the big snooze, and get the best out of our abilities.

5. What we think, we become.

You Are A Badass Quotes

It's just as easy to believe we're awesome as it is to believe we're giant sucking things.

                                           -Jen Sincero

So the idea is that thinking negative or thinking positive both take the same amount of time, then why not to choose positive? If we can feel good for us then why to give the place for bad thoughts?

What we perceive for ourself we become. Love yourself, belief in the self-worth of yours, Think always best for yourself. live the best 

Become one of your own die-hard fans. 

We become the way we choose to perceive our reality...

LOVE yourself♥️♥️♥️
The way you want others to love you...

Apply these ideas in your life. Your inner BadAss is capable of everything. Don't let this BadAss sleep somewhere. 

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Give your valuable time to the things which help you in growing and living an awesome life.
It is quarantine time and lockdown period and I pray for the safety of you all and your families. Spend your happy time with happy things.. love yourself and live the way you want.

You are a badass summary source:- You are a badass on how to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life by JEN SINCERO.

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