The Secret Book Summary

            The Secret: A Law That Defines A Prosperous life

Author: Rhonda Byrne 

All the key ideas of this great book THE SECRET in this short Book Summary.

Like many laws which are defining our universe and we are daily encountering them without focusing on their presence example Law of gravity. Similarly, a law that is affecting our lives whether we know it or not. THE LAW OF ATTRACTION. 

The secret is the law of attraction, which says that "like attracts like", and the way we think our lives become. 


Everything in this universe is made up of atoms and these atoms when vibrate gives a certain type of energy in the universe. Energy vibrates at a certain frequency; our minds act as a magnet with their frequencies. Actually, the frequencies in our brains are generated by our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. When we think of something strongly our minds generate frequency like a transmission tower, and these towers magnetically attract things of the same frequency. 

think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibrations. You are a badass summary.


In short, we attract the situations, people, and circumstances that are of comparable frequency as ourselves. 

There are two sorts of thoughts good and bad, but this Law of attraction doesn't distinguish between them, just like the law of gravity. It simply delivers what we expect. 

Simply we will say those good thoughts attract goodies and bad thoughts attract bad things. this is often the Law of Attraction. the key to an honest life.
We people use to think more about the items we do not want in lives, for instance, "I don't want to fail", "I don't want to urge late", etc.
Rather brooding about the items we actually want in our lives, for instance, "I will get good marks", "I will reach at a time", etc.

And here THE SECRET: THE LAW OF ATTRACTION works and that we always get bad results. 

Some people prepare themselves against "not to lose", and a few prepare themselves to "win" trust me this is often the sole difference between success and failure.

 How we will use The Secret: The Law Of Attraction:

the law of attraction- the-secret-book-quotes


Think beyond any limit and find what you would like in your life and make yourself clear about your goal. Then ask yourself for the goal. it's almost like creating a robust desire in your mind for your goal, written by Napoleon Hill in his book Think And Grow Rich about the facility of a robust desire. 

2. Believe YOURSELF:

Whatever thing you've got a desire to stay a robust belief that you simply will get those things in your life together with your actions and believe the facility of the universe. 


Now think like that have already achieved those things and luxuriate in the instant, feel the enjoyment and emotions that you simply have this stuff with you. 

Keep this stuff and do your actions within the thanks to manifest your goal. 

ONE more thing to notice here is that the above rules won't work if in your conscious mind you're brooding about the great results and therefore the belongings you want but inside the subconscious, you continue to have fear and doubts. Fix the thing in your subconscious and your brain will start creating those frequencies and you'll start attracting your required results. 

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Best Quotes From The Secret By Rhonda Byrne:

the thoughts become the things- the-secret-book-quotes

Remember this thing always that our thoughts the cause of everything that happens to us. If we can drive them in a  good direction then we can also drive our life in a very positive direction. This is the basic aim to tell in this book The Secret. 

One more thing here we need to focus on is that we ought to be grateful for whatever we have and then we have to trust that we will achieve what we want in our life. If you are not grateful then you will keep feeling low and unhappy, you will always think about those things then when you will ask for your goals from this mighty universe? that is always ready to give you everything. The only thing that is keeping is behind is we are not asking for our goals from the heart. 

This was the whole THE SECRET SUMMARY and the key ideas written in the book THE SECRET BY RHONDA BYRNE. What do you feel after reading this book tell me, the comments section is all yours... 

I suggest everyone read this book.


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