Man's Search for meaning book summary.
Man's Search For Meaning
Author: Viktor Frankl
The life described by Viktor is like every day the chances of their death were more than the chances of their survival.
Frankl was one of the survivors of those concentration camps. After coming out he started teaching others to find the meaning of their lives.
The core idea of this book consistent with Frankl is that man's biggest desire is to seek out the meaning of his life and if an individual can find the meaning he can survive in any of the circumstances.
Frankl had decided that he would use the sufferings because of the opportunities and become a far better person. He decided to embrace all the sufferings rather brooding about the chances and therefore the bad situations.
According to Frankl, even a man's destiny depends upon the circumstances he face but one thing always presents in his hand, that's the selection. In every situation we've can freely choose our attitude and that we can define our lives.
In this way, by finding the right meaning Frankl could survive three years within the camps. additionally to the present Frankl always motivated himself by brooding about the works he wanted to try to after getting released from the camp.
He wanted to rewrite his manuscript about logotherapy that Nazis took from him when he received Auschwitz. He wanted to satisfy his wife, albeit we didn't know that if she was alive.
By surrendering to this and not brooding about the longer-term makes an excellent difference. In those days of Frankl, they didn't realize what could happen next. So it had been better for them to measure is present.
According to Frankl, in the prison at some point he met a person in the camp, the person told him that he had a dream in the dark an individual told him that they might be released from the camp on 30th March. it had been Last days of February, therefore, the man was considerably happy, but when the times were getting nearer the war was getting more and more intensified and with the times the happiness of that person was also becoming low. On 29th March the person becomes very sick and on 31 March he died.
That was happened because he was thinking of the longer term. He had attached his happiness to the longer-term only.
In order to survive, you've got to be okay with dying any moment.
The third lesson is, Paradoxical intention
Try to force your fear to return faithful make them away. once we have fear of doing a thing actually it is time we do those things.
Say if you would like to talk ahead of public but if you retain in your mind that if you'll not be ready to speak properly your friends will tease you then by keeping this in your mind you'll not be ready to speak good ahead of them. Now reverse the paradox and believe they're going to appreciate your work, you'll learn new things, or say any good outcome then you'll see better results.
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