12 RULES FOR LIFE: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B Peterson SUMMARY

Author: Jordan B. Peterson 

Why we follow rules?  Why in the sphere of our life we defined many rules and on the basis of those we act in our Lives?
So Rules are something that gives us clarity in our life about right and wrong or we can say rules make things clear and easy to perform.
So can we make some rules in our lives too?  Like on the basis of which we can judge our lives and then work to improve them.

So this book summary 12 rules for life is about those rules.
The author of this book Jorden Peterson is a clinical psychologist and the rules present in this book are all observed by the author himself.

So without wasting any time let's start with the rules given in this book. Pay attention, you are a few steps away from a good and happy life.

Related: The 7 habits of highly effective people summary. 


1. Stand up straight with your shoulders back.

Have you ever observed the body of an individual having high confidence and high self-esteem? you'll find all of them stand straight with none bent in their body and their shoulders at back.

The author said that in any situation once you feel negative push your body to face straight and keep your shoulders back you'll find positive energy and honest flow of confidence in you.

Let's take an example. The author took an example of lobsters. within the fight of Lobsters when a lobster wins, it shows himself bigger and thus a kind of chemical Serotonin becomes higher therein Lobster and it becomes more confident and stronger. On the opposite hand, the lobster which Lost took itself smaller and weaker, therefore, the extent of Serotonin become lower in it.

Obviously, our body doesn't add this manner but still, there are many structures in our brain which act during this way.
So the all conclusion is standing straight and maintaining good body posture makes us more confident and stronger and people also treat us therein way.

2. Treat yourself like you would treat someone you love.

treat yourself the way you would like to treat someone- 12-rules-for-life-quotes

Our parents love us and that they look after us numerous times they took our care and stop us doing many things which can be bad for us. Likewise observe the person you're keen on maybe your family, partner or any special you show look after them. Actually consistent with the author it's Like feeling that we've many responsibilities towards them. But when it involves having to look after ourselves we don't take that much care.

So the author says, love yourself first and take your responsibility, take your care, and make yourself the simplest.

When we love someone truly we will even do many things which are out of our capability it's Like we use to push yourself for them. But what about you. What are you able to do for yourself? 
Ask yourself and Love yourself...

3. Make friends with the people how wants the best for you.

choose your surroundings wisely they strongly affect our mindset- 12-rules-for-life-quotes

Your surrounding decides the people you become. So every speaker suggests this thing. Choose your friends wisely. It doesn't suggest that it's selfish to settle on good friends around you.

A good company of friends pushes us to try our greatest in our lives. it's always better to settle on the people that have an equivalent goal as you.

People who always demotivate you, allow you to feel limited and smaller, offer you negative thoughts for your goal, and action is the worst liabilities you've got.

A good friend is the best asset you'll keep with you.

When you listen any motivational speaker tries to watch what proportion good you begin feeling.

4. Compare yourself with who you were yesterday not with who someone else is yesterday.

Take an example. A boy you started his own website. He worked hard, he did many experiments, he applied many ideas and he gave complete focus and within a couple of months, he started getting good traffic on his website allow us to say 1000 per day. He was very happy and enjoying his progress and now what he saw another person who's same type od website is doing even better than him and getting traffic to say 10,000 per day. This thing made him sad and he started thinking that his ideas don't work.

In this way, we also compare our progress and results with others and this creates tons of stress for us.
The author suggests that we should always specialize in our own progress compared to our past.

In this world most are different then, how can we compare ourselves with others??

The best thing to avoid this is often to start out making goals. it's like we set a daily/weakly/monthly goal and you worked for it, you achieved it and this is often the time to reward yourself and luxuriate in the instant of your success.

4. Don't let your children do anything that makes you dislike them.

Well, I'm not a parent but I can tell you here what the author is saying.

According to Jordan, you've got to find out the parenting skills. I shouldn't let your children try to bad things that you dislike them. Because it's ultimately the others also will dislike your children for there wrong acts and this may drag you into problems. ask them and tell them about this stuff clearly.

5. Set your house is the order before criticizing the world.

Today criticizing others is becoming a fashion. People are criticizing others for no reason or with none Logic.
learn to appreciate the goodness before you criticize someone for the shortcomings- 12-rules-for-life-quotes

It is becoming a habit to seem for shortcomings and faults in others. People criticize people, institutions, governments, or can say, everyone.

But you've got to find out that before criticizing others you would like to form yourself a far better person. search for the faults in your personality then make them correct and during this way, you'll become a far better person on a day today.

See what proportion of energy you waste in criticizing others. If you direct all to enhance yourself you'll become the simplest of your kind. Then shop around you and make things better outside.

6. Pursue what is meaningful, not what is easy.

According to the book, "Man's search for Meaning" by "Viktor Frankl" every human on this planet has his/her own meaning of life.

We do the items which we discover easy and may give us fast results. But consistent with the author our mind is meant to seek out the meanings.

We always look for the meaning of things and that we easily understand and feel good in doing the items during which we discover the meaning.

The money of the entire world cannot help us if we don't know the meaning of our life.
So it's always better to consider future goals and do meaningful things in life.


8. Tell the truth or at least don't tell lie.

Trust is the basis of every relation. It's going to be of a corporation with its customers, with relations, together with your partner or etc. once we speak the reality it's like we create trust and this is the relations for an extended time.

When we speak the reality we do not need to think much. we do not need to remember our last words, we do not need to take any stress. Now think with this what proportion energy you'll save with you which you'll use constructively.

But in many situations we stuck where we will not speak the reality so, in those situations, it's better to not speak a lie.

9. Assume the person you are listening to might know something you don't.

assume that everyone can tell you something new- 12-rules-for-life-quotes

When talking to someone pay your attention in their talks. Think that might be which words would enhance your knowledge.

Actually, it has a deeper meaning.

When we listen to someone carefully and we understand we can interact more actively with them. This will tell another person that you are giving them the importance and they will feel closer to you and ultimately you will have a good relation with them.

So always keep in mind every person has something with them which we might learn from them.

10. Be precise in your speech.

Whenever talk to somebody speak clearly and effectively.

Every motivational speaker and a good influencer have a good way of fascination. The clarity of their words and a good tone make us feel connected to them. This is the one thing we all have to learn and implement.

Your way of speaking plays an important part in your life.

11. Don't bother children when they are skateboarding.

Actually, it's some deeper meaning. you'll say as parents have cared for his or her children and that they always stop children from doing many things which could be dangerous for them and it's good.
But sometimes it also can hamper the expansion of youngsters.

Sometimes children do many things out of their curiosity. performing some risky things makes them stronger from the mind and within the future, they become bold in taking hard actions.

Keep care of them and also let them grow their mental strength.

12. Pet a cat(or any ) if you see one.

While walking on the road when you see any dog or cat in the road Love them, caress them.
Actually, it means learning to appreciate the beauty in nature.
Many times you face many problems in life. Look around in nature, appreciate the beauty, love them and you will feel the positive energy in you.

Love the creation and it will love you back...

Ideas of this 12 RULES FOR LIFE SUMMARY are best to implement in life. These rules can definitely give you the right direction in your life.
I recommend you all to purchase this book and read all the ideas with the explanation.

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