The 7 Habit Of Highly Effective People Summary
THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE AUTHOR'S INTRODUCTION : This book was first published in 1989, is a...
April 27, 2020All we are today is because of our experiences, what we will become tomorrow also because of the experiences we will have tomorrow
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Take criticisms, reflect them in yourself. If you find them true improve yourself, if you find them wrong, just say "fuck off" and move on
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All these pains and hardships you are facing now are going to make your story inspiring and appreciating. So just keep going on
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The world will respect you, the day you achieve something that is out its beliefs about you
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Be an listener and encourage other's to speak about themselves. Eveeryone love talking about themselves
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How to Win Friends and Influence People Summary Author: Dale Carnegie Every Successful person will suggest you read this book. Pub...
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