Atomic habits: An easy way to make habits.

                        ATOMIC HABITS SUMMARY 

Author: James Clear 

Atomic habits: An easy way to make habits.

In this book, Atomic habits author presented easy and effective ways of using which anyone can create good HABITS and can break some bad HABITS. 

Our success doesn't depend upon a sudden large action but, it depends upon the small-small actions which we take in our daily life. e.g. a Sculptor who carves a statue from a stone. The masterpiece of his work is the result of every small hit he makes on the stone. 

Our smaller actions which we take daily are basically our habits. So our final results depend on our habits. Good habits give us good results while our bad habit leads to bad results. 

According to the author, if we improve ourselves by 1% on a daily basis then we will be improved by 38 times a year. At the same time if we deteriorate our habits by 1% on a daily basis then at the end of a year we will become only 0.03 of our original self. Now you have seen how small actions put very high results in our life. 

The author in his book, Atomic habits, gives a very easy way to create a good habit and to break old habits. But before we learn this we have to learn, how we create a habit. 

It is a four-step procedure, consist of:

  1. CUE
Atomic habits: An easy way to make habits summary

Any habit form via these four steps, CUE, it is something that attracts our attention towards an action. e.g. if you are a smoker, then whenever you see any packet of cigarettes, your mind generates the thoughts for smoking in your mind. Another example, If you are a student and you are studying suddenly a notification pop-up on your screen "your friend has mentioned you in a story on Instagram, now this will encourage you to open the notification. Now, this packet of cigarettes and Instagram notification on your phone acts as CUE. 

CRAVING, The feelings, and the thoughts which arise in your mind after the cue, and effect of these thoughts you take and actions. for example, in the above cases when you see the packet of cigarettes your mind will start creating thoughts for smoking and the feelings you get after smoking. 

RESPONSE, In the effect of your feelings, and the thoughts you will take action to satisfy your craving. This is the action you take. For example in the above case, you will read notifications, you will smoke cigarettes. 

REWARD, This is the last step after your action you will get a result, that is your reward for your action. This reward will decide the whole process of habit next time. If the rewards are satisfying for you, very sure next time to will do the same thing, but if the reward is unsatisfying you will avoid doing the same again. 

RELATED: THE 7 habits of highly effective people 


To create a good habit you have to follow these following steps keeping in mind the above steps of a habit.

Atomic habits: An easy way to make habits summary


Your CUE should be obvious if you want to start book reading then make it obvious to keep books on your study table. Try to read on a daily basis.


Draw some best benefits of that habit, in case of book reading keep in mind the benefits of book reading. Make them attractive. Read about the success stories of the person, who prefer book readings. This will encourage you to read books. 


Many people drop actions when they find them difficult or like a burden, So keep your habit easy. In the case of book reading,  You can start reading complete books but if in the starting it is difficult for you to read a complete book than you can read summaries also, that's why I have created this blog to present the summaries in short to you. But do it on a daily basis. 


After doing the task feel satisfied, apply the results you gain from your actions, and feel the benefits. In the case of book reading, for example, if you read this summary and apply its ideas and you will get good results this will make you satisfied and encourage you more for the same.


In this case, we will do the opposite things to break bad habits. Again it depends on the four steps of Habits. 

Atomic habits: An easy way to make habits.


Remove all cues of your bad habit for example, in the case of smoking you can hide all your cigarettes. Find every cue that generates the idea of smoking and remove them. 


Now create a story about the bad effects of your bad habit. Keep them in your mind whenever you feel to do the same. For example, in the case of smoking think about the harmful effects on our body and the other factors due to smoking. See the photos of victims of smoking and the bad conditions of those patients. 


Taking actions for your bad habit should be difficult. You can put restrictions on your actions. Hide money, tell people to stop you from smoking, etc are the things you can do. 


You should have felt that the results you get from your action are bad and unsatisfying for you. This will pull you from taking action next time. 

By applying the above rules you can create and you can break any habit. 

Second Thing Author discusses our environment which put a very strong effect on our actions. A small change in our environment gives us very good results. 

This is why hospitals use white and light colours in the hospitals. Schools prefer light colours because light colours give us peace of mind. When we watch the environment, greenery we feel positive and happy. 

If your study table covered with many random books, you will observe that your attention will hamper by this, Try to keep books in good order and keep only those books that are useful at that moment. This will boost your concentration. 

Like this, there are many small changes in your environment which give us immense results. 

So, in this summary of ATOMIC HABITS, we learned that applying a few steps can create any good habit and we can also break any bad habit. 

Then we learned the effect of any small change in our environment can make very strong effects on our mind and gives us enhanced results. 

This is the whole summary of ATOMIC HABITS by JAMES CLEAR. All the ideas present in the books are very much productive. I have applied all these things and with my personal experience, I can say that everyone should read this book. 

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