The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*CK Summary




SUMMARY: In this book, we will learn a very interesting approach to live our life with.
An approach that comes from a contemplative mind, that tells us how we can live our 
life happily in this world full of problems. This a counter-intuitive approach as written
 on the cover of this book.

 At its core, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck is a book that tells us how we can choose what truly matters to us, and spending time on those things. There are many social media distraction around us that influence our mind strongly, how we can keep ourselves away from distractions and work on what truly matters for us. 

Are u also living someone else's personality in the pressure of the opinion of the society? Let us make yourself free and live the way you want. Do things that your heart loves, not others. 

The foremost thing is that you choose what truly matters so your energy cannot be given to other useless things and you can work on your life in a true way. 

We are not extraordinary that God has given us different problems, problems exist with everyone so we have to stop ourselves from blaming others for problems and playing victim game to pull attention and sympathy from others but to start looking at the problems like opportunities solve them and improve ourselves from the basics. Suffering through your fears and anxieties is what allows you to build courage and perseverance.
The key to a good life is not giving a f*ck about more; it's giving a f*ck about less, giving a f*ck about only what is true and immediate and important. 

Life is tough for those who avoids their problems- the subtle art of not giving a f*ck summary

Whenever we face any problem or bad situation we start looking for some kind of highs to so to make us happy but according to this book this kind of happiness is only short-termed and in the long term when we face such problem again in our life we feel worse at that moment so this book said to face the problems strongly and solve them and learn new things and the happiness we get from this way stay with us for our lifetime and we become stronger.
Every person has his/her own personal space to an extent and it doesn't matter how much close we are to that person we should never try to enter that space today most of the relationship breaks only due to this reason. We should respect their personal space and not always try to help them in every problem let them fight on their own but to support mentally. 

problems are opportunities in disguise- the subtle art of not giving a f*ck summary

We people in the fear of problems do not take the courage to take risks and in this way, we miss a lot of new ideas that are in our way. Book tells us that we should accept problems happily and look at them as opportunities and to take calculated risks. we should look at the happy side of success but not to the sad side of failures and problems. People, high on a sense of false superiority, fall into inaction and lethargy for fear of trying something worthwhile and failing at it. 

our most radical changes in perspective often happen at the tail end of our worst moments. It's only when we feel intense pain that we're willing to look at our values and question why they seem to be failing us. We need some sort of existential crisis to take an objective look at how we've been deriving meaning in our life and then consider changing course. 

This book has also focused on the improvements at every level and learn, learn, and learn to make us better every day. 
We use to look at the help of others when we see any problem but according to this book by doing this we miss an opportunity to improve. Everything we need to solve a problem is within us. we can make some kind of moral support from others.

our actions are the experiments- the subtle art of not giving a f*ck summary

 He says, fighting the problems is the real source of empowerment. "Once we embrace our fears, faults, and uncertainties - once we stop running from and avoiding, and start confronting painful truths - we can begin to find the courage and confidence we desperately seek."
Instead of aiming for an unattainably perfect, problem-free, feel-good life, Mark suggests asking the essential question, "What problem do you want to have?"

 "Life is essentially an endless series of problems. The solution to one problem is merely the creation of another," then it makes sense when he tells me that life sucks for those who constantly try to get away from problems. Instead of asking "how can I get rid of my problems?" the question becomes, "What are the problems that excite me? What are the problems for which I am willing to sacrifice for, to work for?"

SO these are few lessons in this book and I suggest applying these things one can live a happy and better life. 

REVIEWS: Before reading my given review to this book I would like you to relate the ideas of this book to your life a find if it connects to your real-life and helps you to get a positive vision of your problems.
First of all the catchy title which itself pulls readers' attention. 

The subtle art of not giving a f*ck With a few vulgar words, this book keeps the reader's attention active. Against the ideas of many self-help kinds of books, this book presents a unique view of life and problems. Many of us can easily apply its ideas in our life by reflecting its views on our lives. One of my friend has recommended me this book when had just started reading books and this book has given me a very different view to look at my life problems since that day it started praying for more and more problems in my life whenever a problem comes in front of me I look it as an opportunity to learn new things. I started taking more risks and started doing all those things which earlier I used to ignore the fear of problems and this thing is giving me good results. For me, this book is a life-changing book and I recommend you all my readers to give it a try once. 

From the reader's view, this book is a good choice. 

Book Summary sources: The subtle art of not giving a f*ck by Mark Manson.


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