Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! Summary
Author: Tony Robbins
How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny!??
This book deals with a few things which you when you apply could change your life in a better sense, we have read many self-help books but if I tell you truly then this book has something very basic and very interesting which usually we people do not pay attention to. But when we focus on these things we need not take any very big motivational lectures or seminars but we can then understand our lives and we can apply our own ideas to make the best of ourselves.
This book has many lessons the very first of them is "Our decisions are something that determines our destiny, not our condition."
Lesson 1: Our decisions are something that determines our destiny, not our condition.
How we make decisions? It depends upon 5 basic elements lies behind them:
1. Belief
2. Rules
3. Values
4. References
5. Emotional state
The moment we make a decision we give ourselves a direction a path that if we follow then we achieve our goal, at every moment of our lives we make decisions some are smaller but some are very important for our life.
Our decisions are based on avoiding pain and gaining pleasure. We take our decisions on this key concept only. Now if we discuss the above 5 key elements based on that we make decisions, so here comes our second lesson from this book, "Awaken the giant within you."
Lesson 2: Beliefs of things shape our lives, not the things themselves.
What are beliefs? Beliefs are the feeling of certainty we keep in our mind for something
Truth and non-violence were the beliefs of Mahatma Gandhi, and we know his actions were oriented in those directions only. In any dilemma, he used to chose the things which aligned with these beliefs of him.
In the same way, our beliefs make us choose things and making decisions. If we have any negative belief we will take only negative decisions but opposite to it, our positive beliefs help us in making positive decisions.
Lesson 3: Need to create some rules that make it easy to feel the pleasure but hard to feel pain.
Consider a person A is very much addicted to alcohol and he couldn't refuse alcohol when someone offers him. What he wanted to drop this addiction. What he can do? He can assign some bad experiences with drinking, say someday he drank so much of the alcohol that he ended up doing vomiting and this makes him humiliated among his close ones so now when every time he will going to drink he will consider that alcohol gives humiliation and he will slowly stop his habit.
On the same time to fill this void, he will divert his pleasure-seeking which earlier he was getting from alcohol to some other things, it could be anything depends upon the person's mindset.
Here the thing is whenever we make any decision we always look into our past experiences the easy pleasure makes us fascinating but the hard pain stops us.
There are some more factors which will help him in letting his habit go down, discuss them in the next lessons.
Lesson 4: Your values determine the quality of your decision.
What are the values we live for? Love, money, family, growth, health, accomplishments, or etc.
These values strongly affect our decisions, If my biggest value is the family then no matter how money I am earning if I'm not able to spend time with my family, my job will be lost the fun and encouragement and I will start losing my happiness.
So do this thing before making any big decision in your life, Pick a paper and write your 3-4 most important values you live for and also write your 3-4 negative values which you do not want. And then decide what must be your decision which will give you pleasure in the long term.
Lesson 5: Expand your references to expand your experiences and this will give you a vast screen to choose the things.
Look in the above example where person A was about to drop his addiction for alcohol he can do this thing also, read about the bad experiences of people indulge in alcohol, he can use his own bad experiences It will give him a lot references that how drinking is bad and he will easily come out of the dilemma of alcohol. On the same time when he will fill his that pleasure-seeking void with any other activity than he can read the positive and best thing about that also.
If I am going to take up a Job and I am about to decide whether to do or not, take the references of your past similar experiences. Read the experiences of the person already working or have worked in the same job. This will give you a vast reference to easily decide the way to should go.
Lesson 6: Make your important decision only when you are in a resourceful emotional state.
Just think how we react differently to the same situation in different states of mind. When someone of our friends makes jokes on us sometimes we enjoy the jokes but in the same situations sometimes we get irritated. Actually, this all depends upon our emotional state whether we are in the mood of fun or we have some kind of bad mood.
So in the book Awaken yourself within your author said that we should make our big decisions only when we feel a resourceful and happy state of mind. A person in resentment always makes the wrong decisions.
Lessons 7: Ask the right question.
What is thinking? It is the continuous series of asking and answering questions in our mind. Now what we question ourselves matters a lot.
If you will ask yourself wrong questions your mind will let to think negatively. But if I ask a question like this, "How to Make fun right now?" I will get the answers that will make me happy and I'll enjoy the moment.
If I'll ask, "How to avoid problems?" and on the same time if I"ll ask, "How to create opportunities from these problems?" Now see the second one is more constructive and better questions.
Lesson 8: Learn how to evaluate the things- Understanding your master system.
To Evaluate the things we again need all five key elements that we have discussed earlier; Belief, Rules, Values, References, Emotional state.
To evaluate the things first we have to see whether the thing is aligned with our beliefs or not and then choose them.
Rules; See if the rules you are living with are able you make you happy in the long term? If you have donated the blood for a moral cause, If you have done so only to get the appreciation from others than this is your rule and now you may be going to become unhappy because you have related your happiness to someone else actions. But if you create a rule that I have donated the blood and this will save many lives I am feeling content and happy then this will surely make you happy.
"When I will reach my home I will sit on my sofa and watch this show and this will make me happy"
"When I will finish my task my boss will appreciate then I'll be happy"
See in both of the cases we are seeking happiness but in the second case, we are depending on our happiness on actions of someone else so if my boss will not appreciate my work I'm going to feel bad.
But in the first case, I am independent to feel the joy as soon as I'll reach my home.
Then consider the values, references, emotional state the same way we have discussed earlier and evaluate the things to suits you better.
This will help you decide what is best for you and when you decide the best for you you will no longer feel the burden of the things and you will get the best out of your inner capabilities. Or can say you will truly Awaken the giant within you.
This Gaint, this real BadASS of your personality which is sleeping somewhere because you have not yet decided the best for you according to your inner capabilities.
Apply these ideas and learn how can you achieve the real potential of your inner giant.
I hope you have learned many good ideas from this book summary, Read this complete book to understand the things better with the experiences and examples given by Author in AWAKEN THE GIANT WITHIN YOU by Tony Robbins.
What is your day to day experiences similar to the ideas given in this book? you can discuss in the comments section I really appreciate your Experiences and ideas.
Love yourself, you worth it.
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